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Scottish Golf Environment Group



One of the key areas in which golf clubs can contribute to the conservation of their local environment is through the careful and judicious use of fertilisers and pesticides on the golf course. All clubs should be striving to minimise the use of additional fertilisers and pesticides as it makes good financial sense, and ensures good turfgrass quality. Use of chemicals does not automatically result in good turf. If other practices are not taking place such as regular aeration, anti compaction, thatch control, topdressing and traffic management, and clubs are relying on feeding and chemical treatments then they are following a downward spiral of chemical dependence.

Chemicals alone will not encourage strong, healthy, deep rooting, drought and disease resistant turf. It may cure problems such as fungal disease in the short term, but will not affect the real problem, which may be heavy thatch.

We therefore recommend that all clubs have a written turf maintenance policy, detailing their cultural and mechanical practices geared to achieving good turf quality. We advise that chemical treatments should only be applied as a last resort, once all other means have been considered. If using chemicals, we recommend that clubs look to minimise the quantities used and follow policies for their safe and effective use.





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